Spring has got to be my favourite season, after summer of course!

With the warmer months of spring, summer and autumn laid out in front of us it feels like there are boundless opportunities to be had – memories to be made, long days to enjoy, more time outside, nature now buzzing with life. It is the perfect time to start the spring clean, not just of our houses but also of our habits. Let’s face it, the winter months aren’t very inspiring when we are holed up inside under layers and layers of clothing. There is something about pulling out your clothing for warmer weather which makes you feel more inspired to conjure up a bright crunchy salad, pamper your body and reveal it to the world, well, maybe…. Sometimes though this comes with a bit of a shock. Last spring’s clothes are definitely more snug, your skin is definitely more dry and after months of comforting stodgy foods it is taking more motivation to prepare light and fresh foods.
What if there was a community of people who could help jump sjump-starttart that process. Somewhere you could keep yourself accountable – somewhere safe where you could share your challenges, and your successes, without being judged.
Enter Spring Reboot 2020. I am so honoured to be hosting this group of inspirational people who have decided to take hold of their habits, grab motivation by the horns and set about dialling in routines which will help them to feel not just good, but AMAZING.
Fast forward to 20th May, we will be well and truly in the summer mode and you could be feeling on top of your game, having met your goals to have more energy, sleep better, lose weight, move more, whatever your goals is.
Or you could be just 30 days later in the year, feeling the same, wishing you’d done something to improve the situation and feeling tired, fed up and self-conscious. There is a choice, will you join us?